Using Promotional Pens to Scale Up Your Business

No business can go without doing some type of promotional marketing because it serves many different purposes. Just as importantly is using the proper medium for your promotions and this includes promotional pens that can have a great impact on your business.  Let’s talk about the how, when , where and why custom printed pens can be such a valuable resource to your business.

Using Promotional Pens to Scale Up Your Business-PapaChinaHow promotional pens can be best used:

There are many different areas within your business that you can capitalize on the benefits of promotional pens. You can use them to give to your new clients when you are first introduced to them, even before you close the deal. Each time a client uses one of your pens it will bring their attention to your business. You can use custom printed pens by giving them to existing clients as a way of saying thank you to them. You can also use gift items pens for when you close a deal and want to make an impression on your client.

When is the best time to use custom printed pens?

The best time to use promotional pens is whenever you possibly get the chance. Look at them as a major step up from a business card. Your business cards run the risk of getting tossed away, but nobody will toss away a quality pen.

Where should your disseminate your promotional pens?

Think outside the regular business hours and hand out your pens at every opportunity. If you are in a convenience store, or at the doctor’s office these are just two of a multitude of ways you can get your pens out there.

Why choose the right custom pen supplier?

Your promotional pens are going to be promoting your brand which is your business. The quality and style of the promotional pens is going to be a big step in making a good first impression. This is why you want to choose a quality, experienced and trusted supplier of promotional items such as They have a great selection of ballpoint pens, novelty ballpoint pens, right on up to executive stylish pens that are really affordable with no compromise in quality.

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