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You don't need any additives or cleaning products, you just need a few dry microfiber cleaning cloths from China to adequately remove the unwanted dust and leave behind a shiny surface. They are smooth, washable, reusable and especially useful for cleaning sensitive areas such as your mobile phone screens. These products can be used whether damp or dry and for computer screens with or without a gentle, precise cleaning solution. These personalised cleaning cloths are made from closely woven microfibers, each of which has its plastic envelope, which is designed to clean off grease, smudges, fingerprints, dust and dirt. You can also use them to wipe off the dirt of the eyeglasses, camera lenses, television & LCD screens, computer monitors, and laptop screens. The best aspect of these promotional products is that you can use them to imprint your brand names and logos. Customizing such products will work wonders for your brand image and acquire the utmost attention. It is a brilliant way to introduce your brand name in the markets and incur heaps of recognition. Also, procuring custom cleaning cloths at wholesale prices will turn out to be a cost-effective investment which will further be very beneficial for your business' success. Our range offers you all the possible options. Our cleaning cloths come in a variety of bright colours, and others can be printed from corner to corner with any logo or design of your choice. Your promotional cleaning cloths are the first thing people will notice from a distance, long before the fabric even comes into play. Our products are sure to affect the mood and first impression you are going to make.
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