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Privacy Policy

Last updated on 31 – 05 - 2018

There is as yet no law which specifically addresses the proliferation and holding of private and personal data in China. However there are certain laws embedded in the constitution (Articles 38 and 40) which do establish a direct right to privacy and the right to have wholly private communications – PapaChina abides by these and all the following stated laws in guarding your private information.

Other Data Protection Laws we abide by:

Also Criminal Law in China (Article 120 of the P.R.C Criminal Law) covers the protection of information disclosed to companies within Chinese borders, and disallows private details being passed onto third parties without the express permission of the client.

More aptly there are computer and internet related laws regarding the holding of databases which must also be abided by within Chinese borders (this right is also guaranteed to our customers if they are dealing with representatives of PapaChina in any of our offices located across the globe).

These laws stipulate that such information should be protected by adequate security measures, must be kept confidential, and must not be altered or distributed.

Above and beyond – Our Data Protection Promise to You

Whilst it is compulsory that we here at PapaChina abide by these rules regarding your privacy of information, we go much further and put into effect procedures regarding your privacy of information that also match the requirements of the European Unions’ 2012 highly stringent Data Protection Directive ( Directive 95/46/EC ). This directive is specifically relating to the protection of individuals regarding the processing of their personal data.

Under the terms of this directive we guarantee to provide:

Notice to all our customers if and when data is being collected. Please note that data will be collected over the course of email conversations with us so that we can best meet your current and your future needs.

We provide a guarantee that any information collected and used by us is for the purpose of best facilitating your current and future promotional needs. It will not be used for any other purpose.

We guarantee you that your private, personal and company information will be kept safe and secure, will not without your express permission be located in "the cloud" and that we have the security protocols in place to make the stealing of this information impossible using current means of information thievery.

We keep a close monitor on changes in the methods of information thieves and update our security measures accordingly. Staff who have access to your information are limited in their ability to misuse it and the deterrents we have in place to stop this from happening are severe to the point of criminal prosecution for abuse of your information.

We guarantee you full disclosure that we are the only parties (exceptions to this rule apply, see later in this document) using your information. We do have relationships with other manufacturers, but never in the course of their meeting your needs will any identifying information be provided to them (All imprint of company details on products is conducted exclusively in PapaChina managed factories).

We guarantee you that at any point you are free to request the information we have collected regarding yourself, your company etc and that you have full right (without prejudice) to have that information changed so that it consistently reflects the truth and is 100% accurate.

We hereby announce that we PapaChina are accountable for the use or abuse of your personal, private and company data.

GDPR regulation

With the enforcement of GDPR regulation for European Union (EU), PapaChina deploys the EU clauses as a safeguard to transfer the personal data originating . We provide you the complete assurance of security of your private information and other data such as company name, phone number, email address, contact details, logos etc.
PapaChina keeps a thorough record of how and when we got your consent. In terms of a cold outreach (non EU Countries) we do provide our contact details as well as an opt-out option.

Thank you for coming to us – We are a promotional partner trusted across the Globe

We’re delighted that you have shown interest in using our services, and buying our products for the benefit of your organization. You are highly valued by us, and we do everything in our power to protect you and ensure you are serviced in a highly professional way. By going above and beyond Chinese law to incorporate the demands of EU law in the area of data protection we show this dedication to your best interests.

Below now we detail how we handle personal data that is provided to us.

Transfer of personal data, it’s processing, its collection and security measures used by PapaChina to keep your information safe. We only collect your personal data for assisting us towards a mutually acceptable order placement and the delivery of that order. Whether you are opening a reseller account with us, whether scanning through our vast catalogue, whether showing your interest in receiving our newsletter series which demonstrates the methods of using our products in the most efficient and effective ways, we only collect your data to best deliver our offered services.

If you so wish, then data disclosed to us in the making on a singular order will not be stored for further usage. In the interests of transparency and being able to point out the products and delivery mechanisms to target which will suit you best at a future point, we do store the emails and form data that is delivered to us by you.


PLEASE NOTE that no financial information relating to bank account details etc are stored by us in this manner and that in the majority of transactions this information goes through our secure PayPal and credit card gateway.

If you so wish the information you provide to us is destroyed upon the completion of your order and upon payment being made in full. When you communicate with us, your email address is stored by us and can be accessed by your personal account manager for keeping in touch with you, however on your request this email address will be deleted from our database. We do save your order information for future use, but on your request as per our guarantees under Chinese and EU data protection laws we will delete this information. If you are joining us as a reseller you can have us delete your account at any time.

Under our guarantees to protect your private data, your company data etc, we will not be transferred (exceptions apply, please see below). This data, nor and any other identifying data whether by customer account number or otherwise will be provided to any third parties.


Exceptions to no transfer of data policy

Whilst we do occasionally use third parties in order to best meet delivery schedules (and always use third parties for shipping of products) your identifying information will not be misused. It is essential that your address details etc are provided to these third party shipping firms.

These firms are all internationally reputable DHL, FedEx etc and are legally bound not to misuse your information in any way. We will also with your consent and upon your request put you in contact with a shipping agent to facilitate the release or your shipments from port etc.  These third parties (shipping firms / shipping agents / banking / credit card / PayPal institutions) are the only exception to our promise not to deliver your information into the hands of any other third party.

Regarding payment information and your security please note that these service providers are provided with only the information necessary for payment to be delivered – This information may be relating to your bank account, your PayPal account, or your credit card. Data storage of this type is only temporary and the information is destroyed / deleted on completion of payment (the completion of the sales contract)

As with our usage of only global standard and internationally reputable delivery agents, the financial firms we deal with are also held in high regard and live up to the terms of their own data protection promises. Your information is encrypted, protected, stored for a limited time only, and is guaranteed not to be transferred to any third parties.


Best practice data encryption promise

At no point do we profit from the distribution of your information for any other means than best practice order facilitation and delivery. In the cases of the financial institutions it is only your payment data that is transferred. During the order process encryption of your information takes place in order to protect your information. No unauthorized persons will be able to access this information; it cannot be lost or deliberately manipulated during the transfer.


Your choice in passing on personal data

You of course always have the option of visiting our site without passing on any information to us like personal details. In this case certain key information is available to us, none of which is personally identifiable. This information is useful to us only in the best running of our websites. The information provided to us under the instance of your visiting our site is as follows:

The type of browser you are using / your computer OS (operating system) / The time at which you accessed our site and the time you remained online with us / The URL which referred you to us (more on use of cookies explained later in this document) and the IP address of the computer you are using to access our site.

We assure you that we will not use this information to personally identify you.


Afillilates, Tracking Pixels and Cookies

The “Referring URL” To further our reach and to ensure the people who want our service can access our service, we do use affiliate partners who sometimes post banner ads etc supporting our site and which link to our site. To ensure that these affiliate partners are amply rewarded for their service to us in allowing customers find us, we use Cookies and Tracking pixels.

What are “cookies?” These are small text files, files that are stored on your computer and allow us to identify the affiliate who pointed you in our direction. The cookies we use are “Session Cookies” which are purely for your convenience in case the server times out etc. This type of cookie allows the contents of your shopping cart with us to be saved by you.

The instant you close your web browser these cookies are destroyed / deleted.


The other variety of web based data collection used coincides with our advertising and affiliate usage. These are the “Tracking Pixels” (moreover lasting approximately 1 month) – As mentioned when an advertisement for PapaChina either with an affiliate website, as a Google / Facebook Ad or other this Tracking Pixel is transferred from the server for registration of the link being clicked. The tracking pixels do not contain any personal information of yours and are purely for the facilitation of sales and ensuring our advertisers attain their reward for helping you find us.

You always have the option to change your browser settings so that neither your computer nor ours are able to collect these cookies.


We are Facebook Connected. What this means for your Privacy?

As you will see from browsing our site, we are fully Facebook connected; we are part of the social media revolution allowing our customers to attain updates on our services and to describe to those they themselves are connected with the level of service we offered them. Whilst the objective of using Facebook plug-ins in this manner is for full transparency, we understand that Facebook is a direct means for others to be able to identify you, and thus unless we covered the parameters of its usage we would be in breach of our own data protection policy unless we inform you of the following:

When you click on the “Like” button, it will be instantly recognizable to others you are linked up with that you have visited the PapaChina website. This clicking of the “Like” button ( we sincerely believe you will “like” us) makes a record of your visit with the plug ins forwarding the information regarding your visit to our own Facebook page, which will deliver said information also to your own Facebook wall. To avoid information being passed in this manner do not click on the clearly identified Facebook plug-ins. To see how information is processed and handled by Facebook itself, look to

How do we use your email address once you message us?

We use your email address to keep in consistent contact with you, to keep you constantly updated on your order status, to refine your samples, to deliver pricing information and to help you organize the best of promotional campaigns. The provision of your email is an important part of the order and communication process.

We like to do all business via email because it is the best means of ensuring no errors take place (information is stored and can be accessed if there are any questions). Your email is our opportunity to build a rapport with you, to determine the success of your campaign and to build medium and long term relationships with our customers.

The emails themselves that are sent to us by you and the emails that are sent in response are stored, and can be looked to again at a future point (unless you request their deletion) for the provision of best practice service.   


PapaChina's email newsletter series that's been proven to benefit our customers. We provide the following significant newsletter information-

  • We keep our customers updated on various changes within PapaChina such as latest offers, latest products etc. or any other notification.
  • We also inform our customers about various changes in the promotional products industry in general such as details of latest offers, marketing tips for your business or any other important notification.
  • All the digital data will be sent to you only with your consent with an option to opt-out at any given time.


Please note that in placing your order and in communicating with us you are automatically protected by this agreement. You may if you so wish at any point have your information removed from our database and / or have the information amended.

Who should you contact if you have any issues regarding privacy?

Lily Fu Operations Manager of PapaChina is your go to person if you are having any privacy related issues or have any questions regarding information not covered in this document. Kevin can be contacted at 

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