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Terms of use
Last updated 14 – 01 - 2013
This document also covers terms of use for all dealings with PapaChina promotional suppliers. By accessing this site, you automatically are deemed to have agreed to these terms of use. PapaChina is the entity with its head office located at the following address:
PapaChina Promotional Supplier
Bao Long Park, Long Hua District, 518109
Shenzhen City, China
Direct contact is best achieved at
PapaChina (The Site) Recital 1
The PapaChina website is hereinafter referred to as “The Site.”
The Site user is hereinafter referred to as “The Visitor”
PapaChina (The Site) Recital 2
These terms and conditions cover the provision of any information, products and services by the site to “the visitor.” It also covers the other side of the equation where “the visitor” provides information etc to the site. The terms and conditions cover all activities relating to the provision of promotional services, be that in advice form or in the provision of promotional products. This document also covers the sales contract “the site” enters into with “the visitor” although this is superseded by any additional agreements made between “the visitor” and “the site” over the course of negotiating their contract of sale and service.
PapaChina (The Site) Recital 3
External links from our site to other sites, either located there by customers of “the site” or by “the site” itself and “the visitor’s” dealings with those sites are not covered nor endorsed by “the site.” Therefore “the site” bears no liability for losses occurring out of usage of such sites by “the visitor.”
The User (The Visitor) Recital 1
The visitor in their using the site has verified that they have the legal ability to make a purchase on the site and enter into a sales contract i.e. they are not a minor in age.
Article 1
By entering “the site,” “the visitor” is duty bound to conduct themselves in a professional manner. They may not send explicit or untrue data to persons involved with “the site” through “the site.” In accepting these terms and conditions it is expected that the individual is here to determine whether a positive business engagement can take place. “The visitor” is not duty bound to make a purchase via an enquiry with “the site,” there is zero obligation to buy, but “the visitor” is expected not to purposefully waste the time of team members involved with “the site.”
Article 2
In using the site, “the visitor” agrees that any and all information represented to them through “the site” be that information provided in image form, text or other form, is to the best of “the site’s” knowledge wholly accurate. This includes and is not limited to the pricing presented on the site and stats relating to the products offered through “the site.” “The visitor” however understands that with such an enormous volume of products on offer through “the site” there is the possibility of minor errors of print etc. “The Visitor” understands that this is not to be taken as an attempt to dupe, or to be un-factual in the representation of the products etc.
Article 3
The images, the texts, the source code and any and all intellectual property (including graphic design) contained in the site is the express possession of “the site” and shall not be taken for use elsewhere, reverse engineered etc. No image or text shall be used elsewhere without the express written permission of management involved in “the site.” Should this aspect of the terms and conditions document be breached by “the visitor” or “the visitor” assists a third party in the breach of these terms then “the site” is in the position to pursue legal recourse with the full weight of the courts in “the visitor’s” country of origin behind them.
Article 4
As the provision of “the site” is global in nature there may be instances where products available through the site can be illegal in “the visitor’s” country. The “visitor” is expected to obey any requisite laws in their usage of “the site.” So too “The site” will not be held responsible for misuse of “the site,” whether through the delivery of incorrect information to “the site” or otherwise.
Article 5
In the delivery of products to “the visitor,” certain third parties must be used. These third parties include financial firms for the transfer of funds to create legally binding sales contracts. So too these third parties include highly reputable delivery companies (global names), also the services of shipping agents etc may be required. In using “the site,” “the visitor” accepts that “the site” will not be held responsible for the errors of third parties, and is not liable for any losses sustained by “the visitor” as a result of using such a third party.
Article 6
In the instances that damage is caused to the “the visitor” through using “the site,” either through the following of advice etc or the transference of a virus to their computer as a result of using “the site,” (this list is not exhaustive) then “the site” will not be held responsible for any such losses incurred.
Thank you for agreeing to our terms of use. If you do not agree to our terms of use document, you are asked to leave “the site” now.
All this said we look forward to an enduring, mutually beneficial relationship with you.
Yours in service, quality, and the lowest priced promotional products on the market
Lily Fu
Operations Manager